Collection: Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy

What is Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy?

Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy (HBOT) is a medical treatment where you inhale 100% oxygen in a chamber with increased atmospheric pressure (the air we normally breath has 21% oxygen). HBOT injects 400x more oxygen into your tissues and bones, and mobilizes stem cells. This oxygen under pressure regrows healthy tissues in the brain, blood vessels, skin and bones. It also reduces pain and swelling, and speeds recovery. It is simple, effective and painless.


Oxygen, which heals cells, is normally transported throughout the body only by red blood cells. However, when the body’s cells are damaged, this may not be sufficient to heal them.


With HBOT, oxygen is dissolved into all of the body’s fluids - the plasma, the central nervous system fluids, the lymph, and the bone, and can be carried to areas where circulation is diminished or blocked.


This increased oxygen:

  • Enhances the ability of white blood cells to kill bacteria.
  • Reduces swelling and inflammation.
  • Allows new blood vessels to grow more rapidly into the affected areas.
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Painless & Non-invasive

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FDA Approved

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Treats over 20 conditions.

  • Carbon monoxide poisoning
  • Cyanide poisoning
  • Crush injuries
  • Gas gangrene (a form of gangrene in which gas collects in tissues)
  • Decompression sickness
  • Acute or traumatic reduced blood flow in the arteries
  • Compromised skin grafts and flaps
  • Infection in a bone (osteomyelitis) that doesn't respond to other treatment
  • Delayed radiation injury
  • Flesh-eating disease (necrotizing soft tissue infection)
  • Air or gas bubble trapped in a blood vessel (air or gas embolism)
  • Chronic infection called actinomycosis
  • Diabetic wounds that are not healing properly
  • Concussions
  • Brain Trauma of any kind
  • Athletic Recovery
  • Long Haulers Covid Syndrome
  • Suppressed Collagen production
  • Burns
  • Anemia
  • Swelling or Edema
  • Inflammation
  • Frostbite
  • Radiation Injury